• October 02 2024

Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins 15 Coat Types

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Savvy Pet Spa

Jennifer is on a mission to make sure that every dog is groomed correctly for its natural coat type. These magnificent and important animals with whom we are co-evolved, to whom we owe much, deserve to live long and comfortably without having their natural coats shaved off. 

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Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins opened her multi-award-winning grooming salon Love Fur Dogs in Glencoe, Illinois (USA) in 2014. Named "Best Groomer in Chicagoland" by the Chicago Tribune, she has been grooming, breeding, and showing several breeds of dogs for over four decades, including Himalayan cats. Jennifer, with two master’s degrees in history and education, was a career school teacher for decades.

She became a leading activist, organizer, and advocate on several public policy issues after her sister’s murder in 1990.  Jennifer is an International Certified Master Groomer with an expertise in the science and history of dogs and the unique grooming needs of the many varied pet coat types. She was featured on Season Three of the Hulu Television Series Small Business Revolution as a Grooming Expert. Jennifer writes a “Groomers Guide” monthly column for Barkleigh’s Groomer To Groomer magazine and has won an award for her blog.

Three times Barkleigh Honors nominated, and a popular pet grooming seminar educator, Jennifer has also been active in legislation that affects pet groomers, building state and national grooming associations, groomer education, and credentialing. She is writing a book A Groomers Guide to the Fifteen Coat Types and has published her visually helpful 15 Coat Types poster that is already selling globally, all based on her ground-breaking seminar. Jennifer and her husband Bill are award-winning, prominent victim advocates who love living now in Virginia with their Miniature Poodles and Australian Shepherds

 www.groomersguide.com is my website and where my poster can be ordered.


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